Lifestyle Kathy Chlan Lifestyle Kathy Chlan

Tips To Unlock AgeLess Living

Unlocking ageless living is a desirable goal for many people, especially as they reach the age of 50 and beyond. While there's no magic formula for eternal youth, there are numerous lifestyle choices and habits that can help you feel and look your best as you age. Here are some tips from a lifestyle expert over 50 to help you embrace ageless living:

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Beauty Kathy Chlan Beauty Kathy Chlan

Best Drugstore Beauty Products For Women Over 40

As women get older, certain things about our bodies begin to change. We tend to loose elasticity in our skin, our butts begin to sag, as well as our boobs! But, I always hoped that my face would stay the same. I hear laughter across the world from every woman. I was hoping and praying that my face would be the face of my 20-something self.

Well, Mother Nature just had a good hearty laugh. That is sadly not true. Our faces will change and the wrinkles on our faces will show what our life was and is. Our face shows the world the roadmap of our lives. Unless you have visited a specific type of doctor and he injected “the botox”.

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